Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander
Lawyers For Accidents with Poorly Maintained Trucks

The proper maintenance of trucks is what ensures the safety of truck drivers and other car drivers on the road. Because semi-trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when they are fully loaded, it is important to male sure that they are properly maintained and secure.  If these trucks are not secure, then it may be possible for a truck’s belongings to fall off of the truck and hit other cars.  Catastrophic accidents result when truck drivers and companies do not take the necessary precautions to maintain equipment.  This negligence results in unsafe trucks on the road that pose a hazard to all drivers.

The federal government has also addressed the need for proper maintenance of trucks in the commercial trucking industry. It is now possible for car drivers to file lawsuits against trucking companies when they fail to maintain equipment and cause accidents as a result. If you were injured in a trucking accident due to a failure to maintain, then you should speak with a personal injury lawyer who can represent your side of the story today. You may be entitled to receive certain forms of compensation, and a personal injury lawyer can help to pursue this compensation.

Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander
Truck Maintenance Required Under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations

Under the federal regulations administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), one must continuously inspect and maintain records for each vehicle in a trucking business. The FMCSA is administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation and was created in 2000. Its sole purpose is to provide for the safety of truck drivers and car drivers. To meet this goal, the Administration has enacted hundreds of regulations to ensure that truck drivers utilize the best safety practices in driving on the road.

Inadequate truck maintenance common cause of trucking accidents, and it is why regulations governing maintenance have been codified into law. Under FMCSA Regulation Statute 396.11, truck companies must maintain accurate inspection reports for their vehicles. Upon completion of a single day’s work, a truck driver is expected to fill out an inspection report under this statute’s language. The report should be very detailed, and it must cover equipment like the service brakes, parking brakes, steering wheel, lights on the truck, tires, horn, windshield wipers, rear vision mirrors, wheels, rims and emergency equipment on the truck. Each equipment piece listed in this statute must be maintained in proper condition because it is critical to fostering safe driving habits. If the windshield wipers are in disrepair, this could cause a truck driver to not see anything through the windshield in the event of a storm or heavy rain. If the tires are not in proper condition, then a truck driver could be at risk for being involved in a jackknife accident.

Here are some other common examples of inadequate truck maintenance that result in accidents with injuries or fatalities:

  • Failure to replace or fill tires
  • Failing to replace the brakes on the truck
  • Failing to add new lights on the truck
  • Failing to replace windshield wipers
  • Not utilizing adequate safety devices to secure loads

The unfortunate reality is that many pieces of equipment in disrepair go unnoticed due to the fact that a truck driver or company fails to complete these inspection reports. If you have been involved in a truck accident and were seriously injured then you should speak with a lawyer today for help investigating whether these inspection reports were ever completed. If there are no records to indicate the condition of a truck, then this violation of statute 396.11 may be enough to confer liability on the trucking company.

Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law
Asserting Negligence Against Commercial Trucking Companies For Accidents Causes By The Failure to Maintain Their Vehicles

Filing a negligence claim against commercial trucking companies for personal injuries can be a complicated task. It is often the case that trucking companies are well-prepared to face litigation and have hired their own lawyer to deal with claims like a failure to maintain. It is vital that you hire a lawyer who is as equally prepared to enter into legal battle with these companies. You should consider whether a lawyer has extensive knowledge of the FMCSA regulations and knows how to assist them in a negligence claim.

Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander
Stand Up for Your Legal Rights with Help from Houston Truck Accident Attorney at RJ Alexander

You can stand up for your legal rights today with help from personal injury lawyers. Call RJ Alexander today to schedule an initial consultation and learn whether you may qualify for damages in the form of medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and lost wages. Our lawyers have experience in investigating unsafe trucks and the factors that have lead to their inadequate maintenance. Call (832) 458-1756 today.


Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Serves Victims of Truck Wrecks in Houston and Nationwide.

To speak with an attorney about your case, call Houston truck accident lawyer RJ Alexander at 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online. Attorney RJ Alexander offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits.

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Causes of Accidents
Blind Spot
Construction Zone
Delivery Truck
Falling Cargo
Garbage Truck
Improper Maintenance
Loading Dock
Poor Weather
Tire Blowout
Driver Fatigue

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Accidents
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving
Head On Collision
Highway Construction
Intersection Accident
Interstate Accident
Jackknife Accident
Rear End Accident
Reckless Driving
Side Impact Accident
Speeding Accident
Texting While Driving
Underride Accident
Whiplash Accident

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Truck Accidents
Abdominal Injury
Broken Bone
Cracked Ribs
Facial Disfigurement
Fractured Pelvis
Head Injury
Herniated Disc
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wrongful Death

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Practice Areas
Texas Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Lawyer
Houston Truck Wreck Attorney
Houston Truck Death Lawyer
Houston Truck Death Attorney
Truck Accident Attorney Houston
Truck Wreck Lawyer Houston
Houston Truck Accident Death Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Death Attorney
Houston Semi Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Wreck Attorney
Truck Death Lawyer
Truck Death Attorney

Federal Truck Safety Regulations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Truck Accident Statistics
Houston Truck Accident Fatality

2 responses to “Improper Maintenance Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

  1. Pingback: Houston Truck Accident Lawyer – Leased Car Accident Responsibility | RJ Alexander Law, PLLC·

  2. Pingback: Houston Truck Accident Attorney – Multi-Car Accident Wreck | RJ Alexander Law, PLLC·

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