Abdominal Injury – Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Abdominal Injury Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

The abdominal region lacks any bony structural protections, which means it is vulnerable to a broad assortment of injuries. Injuries because of blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma are common in automobile crashes, being struck by an object, falls from a height, commercial truck wrecks, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian-auto mishaps, and contact sport.

Abdominal injuries should always be taken seriously, and if severe, need immediate and ongoing medical attention. Many of these injuries will need extensive rest to cure, ensuring you’re out of work for weeks or months.

In case you have suffered an abdominal injury because of another party’s negligence, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. The Houston truck accident lawyer at RJ Alexander Law, PLLC will help you pursue a personal injury claim and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Abdominal Structures Susceptible to Injury
The abdominal cavity, the space between the torso and pelvic region, includes the following constructions:

Penetrating or blunt injury could lead to abdominal injuries to any one or combination of those structures. Abdominal injuries can range in severity from minor strains to internal bleeding or abdominal compartment syndrome, and this can be life threatening.

Blunt Trauma
Blunt trauma to the abdomen can happen in a few ways, including a direct blow or impact with an item, or a sudden decrease in speed. Because the stomach is primarily supported by muscles, it is vulnerable to tears and strains. Minor accidents in the lap seatbelt, steering wheel, or a different thing can result in bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

Blunt trauma to the abdominal area can also result in injuries to internal organs. Strong organs are most susceptible to injury when blunt abdominal trauma occurs and the most commonly damaged organs would be the spleen and liver. Critical injuries to internal organs may be deadly if not captured by a physician and treated as soon as possible following the injury.

Injury to the liver could be life-threatening given its function in physiological functioning, size, and propensity to hemorrhage. The liver can tear, bruise, produce hematomas, flow bile, or cause internal bleeding. Splenic ruptures require immediate medical attention and are one of the top causes of death from abdominal injuries.

A penetrating trauma takes place when an object breaks the skin and enters the human body. A penetrating object might or might not permeate the peritoneum, that’s the layer of tissue which covers abdominal organs. Both solid and hollow organs are in danger of injury from penetrating injuries.

More acute penetrating abdominal injuries can cause internal bleeding, which increases the risk of shock and death. The small intestine, or bowel, is most likely to be hurt in a penetrating injury, also can bring about a bowel obstruction, an abscess, and disease. A penetrated gut will need surgery to prevent peritonitis and septic shock.

Delayed Injuries
Not every abdominal injury presents itself immediately. There may be harm that hides from doctors and reveals itself such as an obstruction, abscess, ruptured hematoma, or abdominal compartment syndrome.

Scar tissue forms after an injury to the body, but scar tissue around the small intestine may wind up twisting and blocking the gut. This can cause extreme abdominal pain and nausea and also an obstruction may require surgery to repair.

An abscess is a collection of pus which could result in a fungal disease. This type of injury can form in and around the organs in the gut. If left untreated, it can’t only lead to disease but hurt the organs and blood vessels near it. Additionally, the infection can spread in the blood flow, which can be fatal.

Hematomas are collections of blood out of vessels. These varieties of blood may rupture days or months after the initial injury. If the hematoma is from the liver or spleen, it can lead to massive bleeding into the abdomen. Hematomas in the intestinal wall can perforate inducing contents to flow into the abdomen, which may cause inflammation of the peritoneum called peritonitis.

Abdominal compartment syndrome occurs when swelling inside the stomach increases the pressure too much inside the body and limits blood flow to your organs. This causes pain and organ damage, and is more likely to happen in people who suffered acute abdominal injuries in a car accident or who required surgery to fix an abdominal injury.

Our experienced personal injury lawyer can guide you through the legal procedure from filing the first claim to negotiating a settlement taking your case to court. We will safeguard your rights and struggle to secure the settlement you deserve for your injuries. In case you have experienced an abdominal injury in an accident due to another party’s negligence, contact RJ Alexander Law, PLLC today (832) 458-1756 for help.


Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC Serves Victims of Truck Wrecks in Houston and Nationwide.

To speak with an attorney about your case, call Houston truck accident lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC at 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online. Attorney Reshard Alexander offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits.

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Causes of Accidents
Blind Spot
Construction Zone
Delivery Truck
Falling Cargo
Garbage Truck
Improper Maintenance
Loading Dock
Poor Weather
Tire Blowout
Driver Fatigue

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Accidents
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving
Head On Collision
Highway Construction
Intersection Accident
Interstate Accident
Jackknife Accident
Rear End Accident
Reckless Driving
Side Impact Accident
Speeding Accident
Texting While Driving
Underride Accident
Whiplash Accident

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Truck Accidents
Abdominal Injury
Broken Bone
Cracked Ribs
Facial Disfigurement
Fractured Pelvis
Head Injury
Herniated Disc
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wrongful Death

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Practice Areas
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Federal Truck Safety Regulations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Truck Accident Statistics
Houston Truck Accident Fatality