Drunk Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Drunk Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

If you believe that a driver who was impaired by alcohol caused your crash, contact our firm to speak with a lawyer about your case.  We serve clients throughout Houston and Texas.  We can help you to understand your legal rights and your options, and we can discuss the steps we can take on your behalf.  We are available to provide immediate assistance.

Drunk Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Houston Drunk Driving Truck Crash?

Under Texas law, a driver is deemed to be too impaired to drive if his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is at 0.08 percent or higher for a person 21 years or older who is not operating a commercial vehicle.  If a driver violates either of these laws and causes a crash, he or she can be considered “negligent per se.”  In other words, the driver’s violation of the law establishes that the driver is at fault.

The driver can, in turn, be held responsible for any losses the driver causes others to suffer in a crash.  This includes the harm caused to other motorists, pedestrians, or his/her own passengers.

However, studies show that a driver with a BAC lower than 0.08 can still be dangerous to others on the road.   For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says driver typically exhibit impaired judgment, coordination, and alertness with a BAC of 0.05 percent.  So, in some cases, a driver’s liability can be established by showing how his or her alcohol consumption led to careless driving, such as swerving or crossing the center line.

Can Other Parties Be Held Liable In A Houston Drunk Driving Truck Crash?

The drunk driver isn’t the only party who may be held responsible for a drunk driving truck crash.  For instance, under Texas’ dram shop law, you may be able to sue the bar, restaurant, or store that served alcohol to the intoxicated driver who caused your crash.

However, your recovery from this establishment would be limited by a “statutory cap.”  Also, you would need to file your claim within one year from the date of the accident.  (Typically, you would have two years from the date of the crash to bring a claim under Texas law.)

In some cases, you may also be able to sue anyone who provides alcohol to a minor (a person under age 21) who causes your car crash.  These are commonly called “social host liability” cases.

Finally, if the drunk driver who harmed you or a loved one was working at the time of the crash, the driver’s employer could also face liability.  At RJ Alexander Law, our goal is to make sure that anyone who contributed to your crash is held fully responsible.  We exhaustively research and investigate all cases.  The firm will seek to establish your case through police reports, breathalyzer or blood test results, guilty pleas, verdicts, witness statements, receipts, expert analysis, and other evidence.

Our Lawyers Help Drunk Driving Truck Accident Victims in Houston and Texas

If you have been hurt in a drunk driving truck accident in Houston or elsewhere in Texas, contact RJ Alexander Law, PLLC to learn more about your rights and the steps we can take on your behalf to make sure those rights are protected.  Our consultations are free and carry no obligation.  Simply call 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online today


Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC Serves Victims of Trucks Wrecks in Houston and Nationwide.

To speak with an attorney about your case, call Houston truck accident lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC at 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online. Attorney Reshard Alexander offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits.

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Causes of Accidents
Blind Spot
Construction Zone
Delivery Truck
Falling Cargo
Garbage Truck
Improper Maintenance
Loading Dock
Poor Weather
Tire Blowout
Driver Fatigue

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Accidents
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving
Head On Collision
Highway Construction
Intersection Accident
Interstate Accident
Jackknife Accident
Rear End Accident
Reckless Driving
Side Impact Accident
Speeding Accident
Texting While Driving
Underride Accident
Whiplash Accident

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Truck Accidents
Abdominal Injury
Broken Bone
Cracked Ribs
Facial Disfigurement
Fractured Pelvis
Head Injury
Herniated Disc
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wrongful Death

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Practice Areas
Texas Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Lawyer
Houston Truck Wreck Attorney
Houston Truck Death Lawyer
Houston Truck Death Attorney
Truck Accident Attorney Houston
Truck Wreck Lawyer Houston
Houston Truck Accident Death Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Death Attorney
Houston Semi Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Wreck Attorney
Truck Death Lawyer
Truck Death Attorney

Federal Truck Safety Regulations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Truck Accident Statistics
Houston Truck Accident Fatality