Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer

Drowsy driving is incredibly dangerous. A person who is nodding off behind the wheel presents a major risk to himself and to others. No law can specifically prohibit drowsy driving. However, a driver who causes an accident while fatigued can still be held legally responsible and made to pay damages to victims injured in the crash.

Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law PLLC
Drowsy Driving Accident Dangers

According to the National Sleep Foundation, drowsy driving has become a major cause of accidents in the United States. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates indicate that:

Driver fatigue causes an estimated 100,000 police-reported crashes each year. On average, there are 1,550 deaths each year in the United States due to drowsy driving. Drowsy driving crashes cause an estimated $12.5 billion in losses in the United States. Drowsy driving or driving while fatigured is likely to cause accident because driver may:

  • Drift in the wrong lane
  • Cross a double yellow line or veer onto the wrong side of a divided highway
  • Crash into the vehicle in front of them
  • Fail to respond quickly enough due to slowed reflexes caused by fatigue.

With so many potential problems caused by someone nodding off or driving while impaired by fatigue, it should come as no surprise that drowsy driving crashes happen every day.

Unfortunately, drowsy driving crashes also tend to be very dangerous. In fact, according to an NHTSA report called “Drowsy Driving and Automobile Crashes,” crashes where a driver falls asleep or is nodding off are likely to cause serious injuries or even fatalities. Drowsy driving is so dangerous because drivers may not brake or swerve to avoid a collision. That increases the chances of a head-on crash. Also, the crashes tend to occur at high speeds since the fatigued driver doesn’t react and slow down.

Due to these factors, and the delayed reaction time caused by fatigue, the NHTSA report indicates that drowsy driving results in more injuries and fatalities than other types of non-alcohol related and non-fatigue-related crashes.

Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
Who is at Risk for Houston Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents?

Despite the clear dangers of driving while fatigued, many people make the choice to drive when they are tired. In fact, according to Drowsy Driving.org, a 2005 Sleep in America study revealed that 68 percent of adult drivers polled had driven while tired in the prior year. Thirty-seven percent of the drivers who admitted to driving while fatigued reported that they had actually fallen asleep while they were driving, and 13 percent of those who had nodded off said they did so at least once every month.

Drowsy driving is something that the majority of adults seem to do at least occasionally. Certain individuals, however, may be more likely to drive when they are tired or may be at the greatest risk of becoming involved in a drowsy driving crash. According to the NHTSA report, those who may be at risk of a drowsy driving crash include:

Young drivers under age 30 (especially young men) – The NHTSA reported on a 1995 study showing that drivers under 30 were involved in almost two-thirds of all drowsy driving accidents although they only represented a quarter of licensed drivers. The NHTSA data also indicated more young men then women drive drowsy. A more recent report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety also found that the young were at great risk. In their study, 1 in 7 drivers ages 16-24 admitted they had nodded off while driving at least once in the prior year, as compared 1 to 10 of drivers surveyed.

Shift workers (especially older shift workers) – The NHTSA cited a 1992 study indicating that night-shift workers got 1.5 fewer hours of sleep in each 24-hour period than day workers. Those individuals working the night shift who had to sleep during at the greatest risk of a fatigued driving accident. Those with untreated sleep conditions including sleep apnea and narcolepsy – While the NHTSA indicates that these conditions could put a driver at greater risk of a fatigued driving crash, they aren’t invariably linked with impaired driving ability.
Individuals suffering from chronic or acute sleep loss – The NHTSA indicated that almost half of adults responding to a Gallup survey said they had at least some sleep problems. One in 10 had frequent sleep difficulties. Those who use medications with a sedating effect, including benodiazepine anxiolytics, sedating antihistamines and long-acting hypnotics, also present a risk of crashes. Unfortunately, when teens, shift workers or others make the choice to drive even if they are too tired (or when they continue driving despite nodding off or having difficulty concentrating), their decision can affect other drivers as well. Any driver, therefore, is at risk of a fatigued driving accident because of someone else on the road.
Drivers should be on the lookout for anyone exhibiting potential signs of fatigued driving and should also be aware of the time when drowsy driving crashes are most likely to occur. According to the NHTSA, the times when these accidents are most likely include late nights, early mornings or mid-afternoon, especially when the driver is alone in the car.

Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
Investigating Houston Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents

Unlike with drunk driving, there is no clear and easy test to determine when or if a driver was driving while fatigued at the time of a crash. There are also no clear laws specifically banning drowsy driving. Therefore, drowsy driving accidents can become legally complex.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a Houston drowsy driving truck crash, you can recover compensation from the driver who hurt you if he was considered to be negligent in a way that led to your injury. Driving while fatigued can be a form of negligent or reckless behavior, especially if no reasonable average driver would have made the choice to drive in that situation.

The burden, however, is on the injured victim to prove that the other driver was negligent in driving while drowsy. Drowsy driving cases, therefore, need to be investigated carefully. Houston drowsy driving truck accidents can be investigated by law enforcement. Those who wish to take legal action against the fatigued driver can also contact accident reconstruction experts and can look for evidence including:

  • Failure to sleep
  • Witness testimony of erratic behavior such as veering across lanes or off the road
  • An admission by the drowsy driver that the was fatigued or falling asleep
  • Skid marks or other evidence from the accident scene that can indicate a lack of attempt to swerve or stop
  • Building a drowsy driving case and getting the evidence you need can be complicated, so it is crucial to have legal assistance.

Drowsy Driving Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law PLLC
Contact a Houston Drowsy Driving Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been hurt in a drowsy driving collision in the Houston area, you have rights. You may be able to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim against the negligent driver to recover compensation for medical costs, property damages, lost wages, and future losses and for your pain and suffering.

At RJ Alexander Law, PLLC, we can help you to enforce these legal rights and gather the evidence and information you need to build your case. Contact our Houston drowsy driving lawyer today at 832.458.1756 or use the online contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation of your case. You will not pay for our legal services we obtain compensation for you and your family.


Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC Serves Victims of Trucks Wrecks in Houston and Nationwide.

To speak with an attorney about your case, call Houston truck accident lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC at 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online. Attorney Reshard Alexander offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits.

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Causes of Accidents
Blind Spot
Construction Zone
Delivery Truck
Falling Cargo
Garbage Truck
Improper Maintenance
Loading Dock
Poor Weather
Tire Blowout
Driver Fatigue

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Accidents
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving
Head On Collision
Highway Construction
Intersection Accident
Interstate Accident
Jackknife Accident
Rear End Accident
Reckless Driving
Side Impact Accident
Speeding Accident
Texting While Driving
Underride Accident
Whiplash Accident

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Truck Accidents
Abdominal Injury
Broken Bone
Cracked Ribs
Facial Disfigurement
Fractured Pelvis
Head Injury
Herniated Disc
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wrongful Death

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Practice Areas
Texas Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Lawyer
Houston Truck Wreck Attorney
Houston Truck Death Lawyer
Houston Truck Death Attorney
Truck Accident Attorney Houston
Truck Wreck Lawyer Houston
Houston Truck Accident Death Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Death Attorney
Houston Semi Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Wreck Attorney
Truck Death Lawyer
Truck Death Attorney

Federal Truck Safety Regulations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Truck Accident Statistics
Houston Truck Accident Fatality