Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney

Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney

Head-on accidents occur when two drivers collide straight on from the front.  They are among the most dangerous types of crashes.  This is because this type of collision doubles the force so that if each car is traveling at 40 mph, this is the equivalent of a crash at 80 mph.  If you were the victim of a Houston head-on collision through no fault of your own, or if you have lost a loved on to one of these crashes, you should contact a lawyer.  You need to make sure your rights are fully protected, including your right to seek compensation for the harm you have suffered.  RJ Alexander Law can help you.  The firm routinely works with car accident victims and their families in Houston and throughout Texas.

Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
How Do Houston Head-On Truck Accidents Occur?

Head-on accidents are commonly called “lane-departure” or “road-departure” accidents.  A number of different types of behaviors can cause drivers to leave their lanes and veer into oncoming traffic.
Some of the top causes of these accidents include:

Losing control around a curve – Transportation.org estimates that 23 percent of fatal head-on car accidents happen when a driver takes a curve too fast or otherwise loses control of the vehicle on a curve.

Unsafe passing – According to Transportation.org, 4.2 percent of fatal head-on crashes occur when a driver tries to pass on an undivided two-lane roadway.

Distracted driving – Drivers who aren’t paying attention because they are focused on their cellphones or other distraction can swerve or drift out of their lanes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 18 percent of all injury-producing traffic accidents in 2010 occurred as a result of a distracted driver. The NHTSA also says that drivers who are using a hand-held device are between four and 23 times as likely to get into a crash, depending upon whether they are talking or texting.

Drowsy driving – A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found that 4.2 percent of more than 147,000 surveyed drivers had fallen asleep behind the wheel at least once in the prior 30 days. A dozing driver can easily cross into oncoming traffic.

Drunk Driving – Drunk driving crashes made up 35 percent of all fatal accidents over the course of the year. Drunk drivers frequently cross into the wrong lane of traffic as they swerve or lose control of their vehicles.

While head-on accidents can happen any time that drivers engage in these and other dangerous behaviors, these types of collisions are much more likely to occur on rural roads. In fact, Transportation.org reports that 75 percent of all head-on crashes occur on rural roads, where undivided two-lane roadways are commonly found. About 68 percent of deadly head-on accidents occur while the drivers are going straight, Transportation.org says.

Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
Types in Injuries in Houston Head-on Truck Crashes

Head-on accidents account for approximately two percent of all car accidents in the United States, but they cause 10 percent of the fatalities. Unfortunately, head-on accidents are more likely to be deadly for many different reasons, including the combined force of the vehicle’s impact. Head-on accidents are also more likely to be deadly because the drivers are often unable to engage in the customary crash-avoidance behavior. For example, a drunk or sleeping driver who crosses into another lane will not be able to slow down, slam on the brakes, or swerve to avoid a head-on crash. The cars are not only more likely to hit head-on, but they are also more likely to hit at high speeds. For all of these reasons, the driver is likely to suffer serious injury as a result of the crash. Some of the different types of injuries that drivers may experience after a head-on accident include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) / brain damage
  • Spinal injuries causing paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • Broken bones, especially facial bones
  • Neck injury
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Airbag injuries
  • Injuries to the knees, hips, or legs
  • Amputation

The more serious your injury, the greater the amount of compensation you should recover from the driver who caused the crash. The driver who is responsible for causing your head-on accident – or rather, the driver’s insurance company – should cover your medical costs, including any future or ongoing medical care that you will need. You should also be compensated for lost income if you have to miss work or take sick/vacation days and for lost future income if your injuries leave you unable to work. Pain and suffering and emotional distress damages are also required for serious injury cases. Alternatively, if the accident resulted in death then the family members of the victim can take legal action in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
How a Houston Truck Wreck Attorney Can Help You

To obtain the compensation the law entitles you to receive after a head-on collision, you should consult with an experienced Houston truck accident attorney at RJ Alexander. The firm can help you with all aspects of a head-on truck accident case. We can:

  • Assist in gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses
  • Work with expert witnesses who can testify about the cause of the accident or the extent of your injuries
  • Negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance company. If the settlement is fair and covers your losses fully, you can avoid going to court.
  • Represent you in a civil trial to obtain compensation for your losses resulting from a car accident.

The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can move forward and establish your case.

Head On Collision Houston Truck Wreck Attorney RJ Alexander Law, PLLC
Our Lawyers Help Houston Head-On Collison Truck Accident Victims in Houston and Texas

If you have been hurt in a head-on collision truck accident in Houston or elsewhere in Texas, contact RJ Alexander Law, PLLC, to learn more about your rights and the steps we can take on your behalf to make sure those rights are protected.  Our consultations are free and carry no obligation.  Simply call 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online today.


Houston Truck Accident Lawyer RJ Alexander Law, PLLC Serves Victims of Trucks Wrecks in Houston and Nationwide.

To speak with an attorney about your case, call Houston truck accident lawyer RJ Alexander at 832.458.1756 or contact the firm online. Attorney RJ Alexander offers evening and weekend appointments as well as home and hospital visits.

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Causes of Accidents
Blind Spot
Construction Zone
Delivery Truck
Falling Cargo
Garbage Truck
Improper Maintenance
Loading Dock
Poor Weather
Tire Blowout
Driver Fatigue

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Accidents
Drowsy Driving
Drunk Driving
Head On Collision
Highway Construction
Intersection Accident
Interstate Accident
Jackknife Accident
Rear End Accident
Reckless Driving
Side Impact Accident
Speeding Accident
Texting While Driving
Underride Accident
Whiplash Accident

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Types of Truck Accidents
Abdominal Injury
Broken Bone
Cracked Ribs
Facial Disfigurement
Fractured Pelvis
Head Injury
Herniated Disc
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wrongful Death

Houston Truck Accident Lawyer Practice Areas
Texas Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Truck Accident Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Lawyer
Houston Truck Wreck Attorney
Houston Truck Death Lawyer
Houston Truck Death Attorney
Truck Accident Attorney Houston
Truck Wreck Lawyer Houston
Houston Truck Accident Death Attorney
Houston Truck Wreck Death Attorney
Houston Semi Truck Accident Lawyer
Houston Semi Truck Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney
Houston 18 Wheeler Wreck Attorney
Truck Death Lawyer
Truck Death Attorney

Federal Truck Safety Regulations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Truck Accident Statistics
Houston Truck Accident Fatality